On Liminal Beings and Running

I was listening to a podcast today with an interview focused on liminal beings. This includes shadow people, “old hags,” sightings of real-seeming people who then are suddenly gone, etc. It got me to thinking about two experiences I have had with the liminal world while on early morning runs. Experiences with liminal beings are […]

Anomaly in Time

We humans take time for granted. There is the past, the present, and the future. Times moves in one direction. It’s simple. Except that it isn’t. Physicists of many stripes haven’t achieved consensus on what time is, or if it’s real. A quick Google search using terms like “construct of time” or “time is a […]

Roadside Assistance, Part 2

In my 40s, I started purposely pursuing my interest in spirituality, which I will discuss more in other posts. One thing I started learning to do was to pay more attention to information that came to me, understanding that we often receive guidance. People have a variety of ideas about where guidance comes from. It […]